When I think of Eileen I always smile and want to laugh out loud, she spread happiness whenever we were together. Never had I heard her say a bad word about anyone. We have shared so much in the long time I have known her. Our girly trips, meals out dancing at the dock club which she loved. The time we went to Brugee and we nearly missed the Eurostar, Eileen running in her heels dragging the biggest case ever. Then getting on the train and people sitting in our first class seats, Eileen with her gorgeous smile explaining we were late and them having to move. Another trip out looking for a windmill we were told was ten minutes from our hotel, Eileen said she knew which way to go it took us over an hour to get there. If you have travelled with Eileen her sense of direction wasn't her strongest point. When we went to Barcelona and went to a traditional flamenco night, it was so loud however Eileen fell asleep and the waiter had to tip toe around her when he was serving the drinks. I could go on and on, I will miss her dreadfully but I thank god she chose me as her one of her friends. God bless..xxxx